Hi! Thanks for coming into “Noriella’s Adventure Agency”
I consider us a one-stop shop for your adventuring needs.
Lets start with some basic info Name, Size of travel party, and social security numbers:
Just kidding don’t need any of that info for this imaginary trip
Lets look at where you could go… um… I suspect these green blobs are good places…
Gonna jot down some personal comments about your incredulous reactions to my suggestion of green blobs… “laughter at green blobs”
Of course this is a computer… and no, the blue spots are actually paint… no oceans to sea here… see what i did there?
Clicketty-Clacketty… **elephant** … oh… I think I hit the wrong button here…
Uh… well, that does it, you’re going to my favorite destination…
The fruit forest… where plumbs, oranges, and apples grow all on the same tree…
That makes me hungry… though, I don’t know what any of those things taste like just yet…
There’s a penguin there as well… but he’s… she’s… the penguin isn’t edible… believe me I’ve tried.
Uh-Oh… that’s not a sound I like to hear… my computer has a low battery…
Guess that wraps up your trip…
Mom! Dad! I need a diaper check!
I’d like to book an adventure on either the yellow helicopter or the red and white balloon behind her. A grande air tour of Cannon Beach sounds great, departing August 22 if there’s availability.
Go for the white balloon–so far no reported crashes 😉