Noriella’s Travel Agency

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Hi! Thanks for coming into “Noriella’s Adventure Agency”

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I consider us a one-stop shop for your adventuring needs.

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Lets start with some basic info Name, Size of travel party, and social security numbers:

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Just kidding don’t need any of that info for this imaginary trip

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Lets look at where you could go… um… I suspect these green blobs are good places…

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Gonna jot down some personal comments about your incredulous reactions to my suggestion of green blobs… “laughter at green blobs”

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Of course this is a computer… and no, the blue spots are actually paint… no oceans to sea here… see what i did there?

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Clicketty-Clacketty… **elephant** … oh… I think I hit the wrong button here…

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Uh… well, that does it, you’re going to my favorite destination…

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The fruit forest… where plumbs, oranges, and apples grow all on the same tree…

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That makes me hungry… though, I don’t know what any of those things taste like just yet…

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There’s a penguin there as well… but he’s… she’s… the penguin isn’t edible… believe me I’ve tried.

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Uh-Oh… that’s not a sound I like to hear… my computer has a low battery…

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Guess that wraps up your trip…

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Mom! Dad! I need a diaper check!

2 thoughts on “Noriella’s Travel Agency

  1. I’d like to book an adventure on either the yellow helicopter or the red and white balloon behind her. A grande air tour of Cannon Beach sounds great, departing August 22 if there’s availability.

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